What are your top 5 traffic sources?

Thought it might be interesting to share top 5 traffic sources from your website. Perhaps there's some interesting channels that people are overlooking.

Here's the top five from my content based marketing site:

  1. Hacker News
  2. Direct (whatever
  1. 5

    Search is pretty high for IH if you count people who are searching for "indie hackers," "indiehackers," and stuff like that. In my opinion, that's not really SEO though. That's just direct traffic from people who don't know the domain or don't feel like typing it in. If you remove that stuff, search is behind direct traffic, Hacker News, our newsletter, and Twitter for us.

    1. 2

      Interesting. Thank you. How do you think the majority of new people find IH then?

      Direct Traffic + Newsletter are likely old users returning.

      Twitter, Organic Search, Hacker News are places you may find new people. But you seem to be driving a lot more new users than they alone would generate.

  2. 3

    Great idea for a post.

    Here's my top 6 since inception.


    I did 6 because Hacker News barely drives traffic anymore for me as they essentially banned my domain...

    1. 1

      Haha! Awesome. I really should set up a Facebook page I reckon.
      Thanks for sharing :)

      1. 1

        The FB traffic is actually from people sharing my content on FB (often interviewees) or my content getting shared around FB groups.

        FB "Pages" are horrible for driving traffic nowadays.


        FB is the worst.

        1. 1

          Organic reach is dead, but you can use FB ads to boost your content marketing and acquire subscribers. Take a look at this case study.

          1. 1

            Great great article. I might try this. Thanks :)

  3. 2
    1. Side project marketing (https://gallery.manypixels.co)
    2. Facebook
    3. Indiehackers
    4. Google
    1. 2

      Nice one - I love to see a Side Project at the top. Just saw it. Really clever.

      Perhaps, take it off a subdomain, and onto a /gallery. That way your main site will get the SEO benefits :)

    2. 1

      This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

  4. 2

    More useful with my Ministry of Testing stuff as it has been going longer, our main website over the past year:

    1. Direct
    2. Google Organic
    3. t.co
    4. LinkedIn
    5. club.Ministryoftesting.com (our forum)
    6. Facebook (though we decided to quit FB!)

    #1 is double of 2.
    #3 is about 1/12 of 2

    Indie Hackers features at number 31 :)

    Our community forum is separate to these stats, it's on a subdomain, and all these things get a bit complicated to make sense of as we scale. The forum is roughly 1/3 traffic of our main site.

    Overall, we don't really pay attention to stats. You made me look at them for the first time in quite a while.

    1. 1

      Haha! Interesting. Thanks for sharing Rosie.

      Makes me think perhaps I should get on the Linkedin scene. A few people have recommended me that

  5. 2

    Direct traffic is people who type your URL into the browser or use a bookmark (in reality studies have shown that up to 50% of it is actually Organic Search miscategorized).

    It's one of the best type of traffic because those are returning visitors, people who care about your website 😀

    I don't have data to show at the moment, but based on my experience the top 3 are usually Search (Google), Social (Facebook+Twitter+Reddit) and Referrals. Search is almost always the one that converts better.

    Quick tip: you can use SimilarWeb to see where a website gets its traffic from.

    1. 1

      Thanks Andrea. Really interesting. Never knew that about Direct traffic.
      Makes me a bit happier that mine is high :)

      SimilarWeb looks cool. Shame I haven't got enough traffic to register there yet haha

  6. 1

    I've been having this debate- is it better to focus on one or two platforms to gain traffic? Or would you rather thin spread and try out your luck? I tend to fall into rabbit holes a lot in whatever I do. And I sometimes wonder, it takes so much work to master one platform/strategy how do people manage to pull so many different routes??

  7. 1

    My traffic since January: https://imgur.com/a/lLNpZPB

    1. Direct
    2. Hacker News
    3. Pocket
    4. Google
    5. Twitter

    I really want to play around more with Reddit, IndieHackers, and newsletter!

    1. 1

      Thanks for sharing Steph. really interesting.
      Any tips with Pocket?

      1. 1

        Honestly, most of my traffic from Pocket has resulted from being featured in their newsletter and trending on their homepage, but I did little to get there.

        I always make sure to "save" all of my articles to Pocket, but that's about it!

  8. 1

    This is short report of https://graygrids.com

    1. Google organic search
    2. Referral traffic (recommendation)
    3. Newsletter
    4. Returning users
    5. Side projects ( https://lineicons.com/ https://uideck.com/ )
  9. 1

    I'm surprised many with SaaS businesses can answer this confidently! The majority of our traffic is non-attributable, or the (Direct) / (None) option in Google Analytics. It makes up around 80% of traffic

    For new users outsider of that, we have Google PPC followed by Capterra.

  10. 1
    1. Referral
    2. Social
    3. Organic Search
    4. Direct
  11. 1

    On my free stock photo site picjumbo.com I have these stats since Nov 3, 2013.

    (numbers = users)

    1. (direct) / (none) 5,065,470
    2. google / organic 1,520,104
    3. freepik.com / referral 280,498
    4. entrepreneur.com / referral 238,627 (list article about best free stock photo sites)
    5. link.zhihu.com / referral 135,564 (probably Chinese version of Quora?)

    Actual traffic (last few months):

    1. (direct) / (none) 329,946
    2. google / organic 115,657
    3. link.zhihu.com / referral 11,485
    4. foleon.com / referral 10,251 (list article about best free stock photo sites)
    5. baidu / organic 6,919
      and 4,849 other sources


    PS: If you want to write a killer post on your blog, I'd recommend a post about best free stock photo sites. People are searching for it almost 1M times on Google.

    1. 1

      Which photo sites do you think are the best? :) Obviously yours, but what other ones?

    2. 1

      interesting - thank you!

  12. 1

    I only have 2:

    1. google / cpc
    2. google / organic

    cpc ads bring predominantly new users, organic for returning users.
    Technically there are more but they are all <1%. I really need to find some new (and cheaper) channels to find new users!

  13. 1

    Woah! Surprised to see Hacker News at the top. Good job, by the way. Any tips how you do that?

    1. 1

      Sure. And thank you :)

      I'm actually writing an article about this as we speak haha! I'll @ you when it's done.

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      This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

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    This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

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      @csallen how this spam could be reported?

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

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