Anyone run a paid newsletter subscription?

I have an old side project that was a paid newsletter for DJs. I was working on it 6 years ago but now I'm interested in reviving it.

Curious to know:

  • Any good learning resources out there for running a paid newsletter?
  • Any platforms you like? (Memberful, Campaignzee, something else?)
  • Any best practices for reviving a dead list (400 previously opt in subscribers)
  • Any general tips?


  1. 2

    Substack has been excellent to work with for my newsletter.
    I'd re-opt them in. Send them a few emails explaining you'll be starting again but only send to those who opt in again. This will help your deliverability.

  2. 2

    A paid newsletter is hard to sell nowadays.

    But offering it for free with the option to pay a subscription for more and running some affiliates here and there, you can make a reasonable income.

    Newsletter for DJs. What do you want to send them exactly? Handpicked tracks, local venues, music-related news?

    Also, are you sure your 400 subscribers are still active/alive?

    1. 3

      Why do you think a paid newsletter is a hard sell?

  3. 2

    It's hard to get people to pay for newsletters but it sure works for some.
    Do a free version to get people in the door and then up-sell them to something that has obvious value from there.

    Scott's Cheap Flights is brilliant. Sign up for a free subscription if you haven't already and watch how it works. If you travel at all, you're likely to end up becoming a Premium subscriber at some point.

  4. 2

    Look into Inside.com

    The founder runs a podcast called This Week in Startups where he talks about it some. They run a bunch of free newsletters with paid upgrades.

    Their tooling might be custom at this point, but it's a similar business model.

  5. 2

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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