4 Things You Must Ask To Get Great Feedback On Your Product

Hello folks,

I've been doing some user testing on my Logobly.com prototype and I've found 4 questions that generate great feedback.

I thought I'd share them with you so next time you're testing your product with someone, you know what questions to ask.

  1. What’s the most confu
  1. 2

    great list! The only thing I'd mention is that asking how much people would pay for your product can be misleading, since what people say they'd pay is totally different than what they actually pay

    1. 1

      Yes, fair point. It does give you some indication though... alhtough my responses have been really varied! : )

  2. 2

    This is a great list! I like how it tries to get at the heart of the issue by approaching it in different ways.

    1. 2

      Thank you, it's definitely a great, general way to ask people to feed back on your product. Just 'asking for feedback' does not generate enough of a response in my experience.

  3. 1

    Great list - really gets the respondent to think about their experience

    1. 1

      Thanks! Yes, if you're not doing face to face user testing, you need some general questions to ask. I use a form to ask people these questions after they've used my prototype and it really gets some great responses : )

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