
What hobbies (away from the computer) do you have that help you disconnect, connect with others, or learn new things?

Been trying new things and want some ideas!

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    In a specific effort to pick up a hobby that didn’t have a screen, I took up hydroponic gardening. It’s fun to ideate and engineer and build the rigs, and enjoyable to watch the success in growth.

    You can buy full prefab kits, but most of the fun for me is the DIY. Im currently growing pickling cucumbers and yellow squash. I just built a second rig to grow some herbs and peppers and lettuce.

    I think if this second rig works out like I hope (my first attempt at solar-powered hydroponics), I might buy a little greenhouse, and build out a hydroponics wonderland.

    1. 1

      Very cool. I didn't know anything about this. Currently growing some peppers & tomatoes in a soil garden but I like this fast result and DIY building aspect. Thanks!

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    As an off screen activity I like playing darts. Really fun with a bunch of friends and you can also join some local club for some competitive action. I use it as a time killer too as it's a great distraction and get's your thoughts away from project things.

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    Music primarily. Sometimes in front of the computer (electronic type stuff, Ableton live and such) but also play guitar and bass pretty regularly.

    Also pretty big into fermentation, so I'm usually working on a batch of sourdough or making sauerkraut and such. If you like to eat sauerkraut, you'll probably love to make it (and it's pretty easy!)

    1. 2

      That's interesting! The only thing I like fermented is my beer but good ideas :)

      1. 1

        Funny enough, for all the fermenting I do and beer and wine I drink, I've yet to get into any homebrewing!

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    To be a bit cliche given current trends for software engineers - I got into sourdough bread making after accidentally picking up Josey Baker's book. http://www.joseybakerbread.com/ I now do two loaves a week, one for myself and a gluten free loaf for my girlfriend.

    Woodworking is another hobby I've been picking up. Currently in the final stages of building an oak media cabinet for our tiny living room.

    On the whole I find hobbies that provide me with a 'finished' product, rather than something as malleable as software engineering, to be quite satisfying.

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    Motorcycling.. It's a great way to disconnect (no texting and riding!), meet people that I otherwise wouldn't, and learn about the culture and mechanics of bikes

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    Starting skateboarding (again after 20 years). It's even more fun then I remember it as a kid :-D

    1. 1

      That's a good one!

  7. 1

    x86 programming on paper

    1. 1

      Old school... I like it

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    Been doing bjj for over 3 years now, highly recommend it to anyone. It's great exercise and seriously humbling.

    I also like to take rides on my motorcycle when the weather is nice.

    Been wanting to get back to music. I'm a drummer but love to mess around with piano and writing music but I'm in a new apartment and space is a little tight.

    Reading and writing too!

    1. 2

      +1 for BJJ! It's seriously a life-changing activity.

  9. 1

    I'm playing table tennis regularly in a club. It helps to stop thinking about my business all the time. Oh, and I'm self-learning the clarinet.

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