Need tips for "working in public"

Hi! I'm a cofounder of Formspree.io, a bootstrapped form backend that's doing pretty well. However, one thing we haven't done well is talk about what we do.

Any practical tips on how to work in public? What kinds of content have you found work the best? (public roadmaps, livestr

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    I like to follow companies that share their progress on twitter. Little tweets on what new direction the company is heading towards, new features and most importantly I must feel that I’m learning something. Like what worked, what did not work, and reasons for moves or changes in the direction the company takes.

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      Agree about Twitter, small tweets don't show you as boring. Especially if you mix them with 3x more useful tweets or links which are not about your product directly.

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      I like the learning something new aspect too, learning from other people's mistakes is faster than learning from your own!

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    On the point of keeping it from being super boring: learn how to tell stories (the structure of good stories) and use that skill to document your journey. :)​

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    Welcome to IH. I have used formspree. Loved it. Even chartspree till it was shut.

    how to work in public?
    You can create a product page here on IH too.

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      Oh wow thanks! Yeah working on chartspree was fun.

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    Hey, welcome to IH. I'm a big fan of Formspree, I use it in my previous project.
    I think writing a blog post can work really well because it was easily shared and your audience can read it forever (as long as you did not delete them).

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      Thanks! Yeah we've been super slow to publish a blog but we finally launched one last month. (formspree.io/blog) We've got a lot of content planned for it.

      However I think I wanna try more of @adamwathan's idea of using tweets to test engagement before committing to a bigger post.

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