What is your purpose in life? And how does your business reflect that?

I am on a quest to build a business around my passion. Still, not every passion is really suitable for a business.

Common business advice for aspiring or early founders is to look at the market size, the niche, the desire of the customers. It mainly revolves around the product a

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    I could not agree more. I have the impress that many people want a business, or money, or fame, or a big car, without really understand why they want it. What it could bring them, and if it's really worth to put effort, energy and time into it.

    We should think about what do we want and why do we want it deeply, revisiting from time to time our answers, refining them more and more to really find the essence of who we want to be. Then, it depends on us to adjust the reality with our wishes, on a daily basis.

    If we don't do that, we will be very surprised that the dream of the others is not really our dream.

    The questions 4, 5, 6 are not really relevant to me, since I don't want a business in order to change my life. I want a business to help people and / or to make the world a bit better than when I found it. I think that the first question can change my life, if I try to adjust it on a daily basis to my wish, on a long period of time.

    I don't want a business giving me a different life over night, I want my actions, day after day, to give me what I want.

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      Wonderful! Thanks for sharing. Totally agree.

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    I think my purpose is to bring people together, build communities. I've been doing this in various ways for the past 15 years and I never get bored.

    I think I'd like to get better at making communities work better for me. Whilst I've really enjoyed building Ministry of Testing, I'm moving on because I feel I need to do more for other communities that will also give me the personal satisfaction that my soul needs. I hadn't been getting that personally and actually it gets a bit lonely being in that position.

    I use to run a coworking space and loved it, I would love to do more around that - as in getting people together in a very local way. I'm also inspired to break down barriers, particularly for women and in the 'education' space.

    I love the indie hacker work I'm doing at the moment and I also feel running things like a local meetup group helps fill in some of those desires/gaps for me.

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