What keeps me going every day isn't the money it's really just the rush I get from knowing I helped someone solve their problem...

"For me, my side business evokes a very, like, non-monetary feeling. It's hard to explain. Being able to help people with my specific skillset is almost like seeing a baby laugh or something. You can't put an amount of money on it. I was still working at Google when I started this side gig. I thought I wanted to be a CEO and make millions of dollars but that ambition slowly died down as I realized that, you know what, it takes a lot of work. I don't have enough resources and it's not in my personality to go fundraising and stuff like that. I quickly saw that there are a lot of people just like me who want to have a lifestyle business — people who are comfortable being an entrepreneur but not necessarily making millions and millions of dollars. What keeps me going every day isn't the money it's really just the rush I get from knowing I helped someone solve their problem."⠀

on June 12, 2019
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