Talking to customers/prospects? Remember to shut up!

If you're a new founder, one of the biggest mistakes you'll make when you do sales/discovery calls is to talk too much.

This is important.

Because the more time you spend talking, the less time you're listening to your customer (who is trying to tell you about their pain and how they'd be willing to pay you to solve it).

Here's a screenshot of a recent discovery call I did for my new side project (my audio track is on the top, the customer is on the bottom).

I probably talked for ~30% of the call and thought that was too much!

You should aim to be at less than that...

And good things will happen 🏆

(by the way, if you'd like to listen to the full call and watch me go through the sales process live, head over here)

#growth #fyi

  1. 3

    Just wanted to say that your livestreams have been invaluable so far.


    1. 1

      Thanks, glad you enjoy them!

  2. 2

    So glad to see the live streams are recorded! I was worried I'd missed one :)

  3. 2

    I recently read "The Mom Test" by Rob Fitzpatrick on the same topic. A recommended read for anybody else who wanna learn about customer conversation.

  4. 2

    That is definitely helpful and is a good thing to track. What tool do you use to track these conversations and monitor them?

    1. 3

      My favourite CRM is close.io - they have calling etc built in and the CRM is fantastic.

      Normally I don't record conversations, just make notes. This is a special case because I'm trying to livestream my process :)

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