Passed 50 users!

Thank you everyone at Indie Hackers for your feedback and support over the last several months. You’ve played a large part in my milestone of reaching 50 users!

To many this is insignificant, but for me its quite rewarding that 50 people found my creation (that started as a personal tool for myself) valuable enough to sign up!

I actually passed 50 users a few months ago, but am just now finding the time for this update… More on that in a few lines.

What worked:

  • Posting on IH and some other programming forums I’m a part of. It has been important to keep the threads updated when I ship new features. Every time I do this I get a surge in traffic and signups.
  • Offering a free premium account to the first 25 users. These filled up really fast. I think one of the best things I did is personally email the first 25 people that signed up and tell them I’d upgraded them to a premium account for free, forever. I asked in return that they provide me with some feedback and share the tool with their friends. I’d say about 50% gave me great feedback and shared on social media.
  • Implementing user feedback, then posting about it was very effective. Sometimes I sent personal messages to those that requested the feature.

What didn’t work:

  • Initial users pointed out that it wasn’t clear I even offered a premium account. In trying to make the signup as frictionless as possible I took it too far and didn’t display enough that I had a premium offering. This has been remedied but still needs work.
  • Inconsistent timeline shipping features is my biggest holdup right now. I have a very busy personal and professional life, making time is always difficult for me.
  • I have yet to have a user convert to premium. Firstly, I need to have more compelling features for my premium offering. I also think I need a landing or about page demonstrating some of the pro features.

What I’m going to do next

  • Interact with my users more, and get more feedback. I’m going to identify those that are using the product the most and try to develop my relationship with them so I can better suit their needs.
  • Ship features, and post about them. I’ve set a goal to push at least one minor update/fix each week and one major feature each month. I’ve got a long list to get through!
  • Improve user conversion from free to premium. I need to do more research on this as most of my other ventures have not included a free offering so this is new to me.

Thanks again everyone! As always, feedback is welcome.

  1. 1

    Congrats! When 50% of your first 25 users shared on social media, did you get any new users from it?

    1. 1

      Yes, I definitely picked up a few. I can't remember exact numbers and I don't know if my analytics go back that far.

  2. 1

    Hey Steve, Slick Bit pretty useful actually. I really do like it.

    I think the UI visual could be improved, sometimes users are attracted to that to.

    Congrats on your milestone !

    1. 1

      Thanks Michael!

      Do you have any specific feedback on UI?

      1. 1

        well, probably more developer friendly.

        something like this.

        I have not been able to play with the navbar...so much.

        1. 1

          Ah, yes for sure. Dark mode is in the works! Thanks so much for the quality response.

          1. 1

            you are very welcome. I hope it helped :-)

            1. 1

              Hey, I've updated the site with a dark theme... First one i've done but if you have any feedback its always welcome.

              1. 2

                oh wow ! You implemented some of the stuff, how cool.

                what is built with, material?

                If you want help I am more than happy to help you.

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