Journalling app recommendations?

I'd like to find a journalling app to give me a platform for capturing my motivations, goals, successes, failures.

Any recommendations?

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    I've been using Journey (https://2appstudio.com/journey/) for a few years now. It looks good, well designed, reliable, and updated regularly. They have a paid business model that seems sustainable, which was important to me. I use it to jot down thoughts, attach pictures, etc.

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      Seconding Journey. I like the calendar and the easy ability to tag articles. Some high level statistics or analytics would be nice, but I'm working on pulling all my data across different apps anyways.

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    Hey Dave, i'm actually working on an app now -- that makes it easy to add a highlight or a lowlight. And at the end of every month it guides you through an end of month review. And at the end of the year it guides you through a personal annual review. Would you be open to giving it a look and see if its what you are looking for?

    I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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    I take notes all day in notion.io. Mostly around getting things done.

    Then I use 750words.com to export the rest of my thoughts out. I aim for daily and the bigger the streak I'm on, the more I feel level-headed. It's hard to explain... Rivals meditation for me. It's more freewriting but it helps me a ton just to clear my head (which is hard for entrepreneurs lol). Even more so when I look back at 2 weeks ago and review what I wrote, gives lots of perspective.

    Sorry for rambling lol.

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      Second 750words.com
      Such a great, simple tool.

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    @Yoshua works on a journaling app

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      Hello, my name is Yoshua and I'm creating a mood diary to overcome negative feelings.
      iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nao/id1453146734
      Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nao

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    I have been journaling for over 5 years now and Evernote works the best for me. :-) I tried also DayOne, but I was keep coming back to Evernote.

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    Currently working on something like a journaling app.

    Please look at this, early concept, and leave feedback on what you would like: https://www.indiehackers.com/post/a5047ec5ae

    I've tried lots of apps, but they could not keep my attention for too long. For example i use one note at work for work related stuff but I really need something more personal for personal notes and entries. And here comes my app which I'm working on. the idea is simple, to have a mood tracking app with journaling so that you can track what how why you felt that day..

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    Hi David. I've tried a few over the last couple of years and here's my current setup:

    • a combination of Org mode (via Emacs) + integration with gists so I get automatic backups
    • https://www.notion.so

    The Emacs setup works for me very well because it doesn't require me leaving my "natural environment (I'm a software engineer) and allows me to capture ideas in a number of ways. Integrating that with gists means I also versioning built in so I can see how my ideas evolve over time. The issue with that is that I don't have a native app or anything like that if I want to check them on my phone. Hence where Notion comes in and allows for more things like collaborating with people, creating boards etc. I also use https://trello.com/ occasionally.

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      If you're using Android, you may want to have a look at Orgzly, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.orgzly — I've had the occasional sync conflict but it's otherwise quite ok.

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    I'm using my own app, a minimalist voice diary called Pointo:

    Free and ad-free, no funky permissions or sneaky stuff, Android only (for now)

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    I use Day One on iOS. They have a Mac version too but I'm kind of used to type on my phone. (Who doesn't these days)

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    Hello, my name is Yoshua and I'm creating a mood diary to overcome negative feelings.


    iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nao/id1453146734

    Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nao

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    Edfone helps to create to dos (goals) and store snaps +/- audio notes. Designed primarily for learners.

    Dr. N

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    I use https://typora.io its free and they have mac, windows and linux versions

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    Can't resist throwing my hat in here: I've been working on my gratitude journaling app for over 5 years - Happyfeed and haven't missed a day in 1.5 years.

    I pretty strongly believe that the just-3-per-day format makes the habit easier to get into. I personally prefer a positive focus over pure mood trackers, because reminding yourself that a shitty day was a shitty day, just makes it feel ...shittier.

    For goal tracking and more free-form thinking - I agree that Notion and DayOne are both great apps. Personally, I use the Notes app on Mac. I also have a Moleskin I write in weekly to capture broad strokes regarding my mood, goals, and milestones.

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    Hands down: https://dabble.me/. I've been using it for years and I absolutely love it! The fact that it emails you and takes care of everything is great. I love seeing, "3 years ago you wrote..." and seeing how life has changed!

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    If you are using mac, you can try my cutenote: https://cute.marknoteapp.com, with which you can write freely, and your data is stored in a secure manner :)

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