Posted in Book Reviews, Celebrate Lit Reviews

Love Overboard ~ A Review & Giveaway

About the Book

Book: Love Overboard: A Novel

Author: Shannon Sue Dunlap

Genre:Christian Romcom

Release date: May 21, 2024

When four quirky friends retire on a never-ending round of cruises, their attire consists of more than floral shirts and gaudy skirts. Armed with walkie-talkies and battle plans, these relationship experts—who’ve dubbed themselves the “Shippers”—target hostess Lacey Anderson and director Jonathan King in their romantic schemes. However, the young couple is determined not to play along, having previously sailed the tumultuous seas of love only to witness their relationship crash and burn.

Boss matchmaker Emily Windsor has orchestrated multiple romantic successes, and these two upstarts certainly won’t get the best of her. The chemistry between Lacey and Jonathan is obvious, but the couple rebuffs every outlandish plot and “coincidental” meeting, forcing the Shippers to chart a new course to true love—all while inadvertently thwarting drug smugglers threatening to ruin their floating home.

Can they untangle the mess of romance and intrigue before it’s too late, or will their journey end in heartbreak and disaster? Shannon Sue Dunlap’s enthralling new series unfolds a tale where love, laughter, and danger converge in an entertaining maritime adventure.

Click here to get your copy!

Love Overboard by Shannon Sue Dunlap is a Christian RomCom. The “Shippers” (a group of four quirky friends who retire on a never-ending round of cruises—target hostess Lacey Anderson and director Jonathan King in their romantic schemes. The four shippers led by Emily Windsor set out to play matchmaker to Jonathan and Lacey.

Having previously navigated the tumultuous seas of trying to build a relationship, the two want no part of the Shippers plan. They inadvertently contribute to thwarting drug smugglers threatening to ruin their floating home. Sometimes it takes someone else to demonstrate who the right person at the right time is for us.

I loved getting to know Emily and her cohorts in matchmaking along with Jonathan and Lacey. I felt the book moved at a great pace, and the characters were wonderful. I was unable to put this book down.

So, if you want a Christian rom-com, check out Love Overboard by Shannon Sue Dunlap. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.

About the Author

Shannon Sue Dunlap lives in hot and humid Houston, Texas where she writes love stories with a laugh-out-loud center. She enjoys traveling around the world, singing tunes from classic musicals, and drinking Dr. Pepper. Shannon is a die-hard fan of happy endings and believes God has designed one for each of us.

More from Shannon

My attention zeroed in on the tv screen where a darling elderly woman happily danced with a man in a captain’s uniform. The feature report told how she’d forsaken the nursing home and chosen to live her retirement on a cruise ship instead. Afterward, the wheels in my brain started to churn. What if there wasn’t just one woman, but a whole group? And what if they amused themselves by matchmaking the young people around them? Thus, the idea for Love Overboard started to form.

I related to my wandering heroines. Traveling is “in my blood.” I was three months old when my parents hit the road. (Or so they tell me. I really don’t remember.) It was the 70s and Dad was a traveling preacher called an evangelist. He and mom started out with their newborn baby in a Toronado Oldsmobile. And even after we made a permanent home in Virginia, they kept traveling.

No wonder my feet itch.

In those many journeys, of course there were books. Daydreams of detectives and western heroes and ladies in fancy dresses kept me company in the backseat. I’d finish the stack of novels I brought with me, and my parents would stop at whatever town we were near and look up a Christian bookstore to restock my supply.

Now, it tickles my fancy to think my stories might be keeping someone else company in their plane seat or deck chair. As I write, of course, I keep traveling. I’ve taught school in Botswana, driven on the left side of a rain-slicked Scottish road, twirled in front of Mr. Darcy’s Pemberly (the Colin Firth version), visited Prince Edward Island for the 100th anniversary of Anne of Green Gables, and been serenaded by an opera singer on a European river cruise. (I don’t mean in the audience. He took me from my seat, wrapped his arms around me, and let the crescendos fly.) Learning about the history of places and trying crazy new dishes makes life more interesting. The most unique thing I remember eating is Mopani worm in Zambia. (It tasted like crunchy dirt.)

As Love Overboard releases, I’d like to give a big shoutout to that daring little old lady that lent me inspiration. Perhaps I’ll follow her example when I reach my 80s. No matter how long is ordained for my time on this planet, I hope books and traveling will always play a part in my story.

Blogs Stops

Pause for Tales, May 24

Wishful Endings, May 24

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 25

Texas Book-aholic, May 26

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 27

Stories By Gina, May 28 (Author Interview)

Life on Chickadee Lane, May 28

The Sacred Line, May 29

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 30

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 31

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 1

For Him and My Family, June 2

The Lofty Pages, June 3

Labor Not in Vain, June 4

Holly’s Book Corner, June 5

She Lives To Read, June 6


To celebrate her tour, Shannon Sue is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Posted in Book Reviews, Celebrate Lit Reviews

Knowing Obadiah ~ A Review & Giveaway

About the Book

Book: Knowing Obadiah

Author: April W Gardner

Genre: Bible Commentary for Women

Release Date: November, 2023

A Christian Women’s Bible Commentary

Experience the excitement of Biblical prophecy with this down-to-earth and captivating exploration of Obadiah.

Walk with author April W Gardner as she steps into the past and brings to life the often-overlooked prophecy of Obadiah. With her typical attention to historical detail, April journeys through Scripture in a down-to-earth and engaging manner. From Jacob and Esau to the terrifying Babylonian siege of Jerusalem and the blazing destruction of Edom, she learns alongside her readers how these 21 verses affirm God’s sovereignty while pointing to a steadfast hope in Zion.

Click here to get your copy!

Knowing Obadiah by April W Gardner is a Bible Commentary for women centering around Obadiah. It is part of a three book series that includes a companion “But in Mount Zion”, and a fiction novella, called “Hope Fulfilled”. I feel these three books go hand in hand. However, you could do this study on its own.

I love how the author writes in a more conversational style. Even though the topic proves to be studied in depth, the inclusion of humor and the casual conversational style makes you feel as though you were sitting at a kitchen table with April W Gardner.

I feel this study is perfect for either individual study or as a group Bible study. I feel the nature of the writing style lends itself to a group study. I loved how April W Gardner described Obadiah as being one of the “minor prophets”. As someone who has read the Bible through several times, I have read the book of Obadiah, but still learned a lot from this study.

So, if you are looking for a Bible Commentary for Women, check out Knowing Obadiah by April W Gardner. Whether you elect to do it individually or with a group, I believe this study belongs in your library.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.

About the Author

APRIL W GARDNER is an indie author whose great passion is historical romance with themes of Native American and Southeastern U.S. culture. Copyeditor, mother of two grown children, and non-trad college student, April lives in South Texas with her husband and two German Shepherds. In no particular order, April dreams of owning a horse, learning a third language, and visiting all the national parks.

More from April

–Hello, friend! So, I’ve written this Bible commentary for women on the book of Obadiah. You know the one, right? The little one? Like, really little. So little if you blink while flipping pages, you’ll miss it. But don’t let its size fool you. It packs a serious punch. Interested? It covers—

–Wait. April, did you say commentary?

–Sure did.

–For women?


–Oh, uh… Thanks. Sounds great, but I’m not in ministry.

-Hey, me neither! I grew up in church and on the mission field. There was Bible college in there before I got my Mrs. degree, but as you see, I’m just the next girl on the church pew. One who has a curious mind, a love of learning, and a long-standing devotion to Christ.

Because of that, I approached writing Knowing Obadiah from the seat beside yours at home, as if we had our Bibles open on our laps, coffee mugs in hand, and were chatting about the things we’re discovering while we read.

Before we’re done reading, you’ll understand how and why Edom is the object of God’s wrath. You’ll see how Obadiah, like every other biblical prophecy, contains a message of warning, judgment, and hope, and how (unlike the rest of the prophets) the first two (warning and judgment) are for a pagan nation while the last (hope) is for Judah.

The most minor of minor prophets is absolutely packed with treasure waiting to be unburied. Toss in its background and its implications for the future, and you’ve got yourself a fascinating study.

Speaking of study, Knowing Obadiah doesn’t have any set topic related to theology or spiritual growth. Instead, I take an approach that digs for original meaning, versus applying modern interpretation. This commentary will force you out of your comfy chair and into Obadiah’s history and culture. As best we can, we’ll be taking on the author’s perspective of the world, looking at the text’s setting and purpose (and so much more!) through his lens.

What say you? Are you in? Let’s do this, girl.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 22

Inspired by Fiction, May 23

Godly Book Reviews, May 24

Mary Hake, May 24

Vicky Sluiter, May 25

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 26

Texas Book-aholic, May 27

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 28

Girls in White Dresses, May 29

Lots of Helpers, May 29

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 30

Cover Lover Book Review, May 31

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, June 1

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 2

Lights in a Dark World, June 3

Lily’s Corner, June 4


To celebrate her tour, April is giving away the grand prize package of a $30 Amazon gift card and a paperback set of the A Fire and a Flame series!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Posted in Book Reviews, Celebrate Lit Reviews

When Hope Sank ~ A Review & Giveaway

About the Book

Book: When Hope Sank

Author: Denise Weimer

Genre: Christian / Historical / Romance

Release date: May, 2024

Can Hope Resurface After Evil Tries to Drown It?

Introducing a series of 6 exciting novels featuring historic American disasters that transformed landscapes and multiple lives. Whether by nature or by man, these disasters changed history and were a day to be remembered.

The Civil War has taken everything from Lily Livingston—her parents, her twin brother, her home. Now she works at her uncle’s inn and keeps her head down. Speaking up for her beliefs proved too costly in a part of Arkansas split by conflicting loyalties and overrun by spies and bushwhackers.

Emaciated in body but resilient in spirit, Lieutenant Cade Palmer is crowded onto the Sultana with other paroled Andersonville and Cahaba POWs for the journey north. But a fiery explosion on April 27, 1865, rends the steamer and empties two thousand men into the frigid Mississippi River.

Recovering from wounds that might end his career as a surgeon but clinging to his faith, Cade threatens both Lily’s defenses and her heart. How can she tell him she might’ve prevented the tragedy if only she’d reported a suspected saboteur’s claims? And when the man returns to town and encoded messages pass through the hotel, will Lily follow her convictions to prevent another tragedy?

Click here to get your copy!

When Hope Sank by Denise Weimer is a Christian Historical Romance. It is the third book in the “A Day to Remember” series.

So, if you are looking for a Christian Historical Romance, check out When Hope Sank by Denise Weimer. Plus, check out the other books in the series.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from CelebrateLit, this in no way influenced my review.  All opinions are my own.

About the Author

Denise Weimer holds a journalism degree with a minor in history from Asbury University. A former magazine writer, Denise authored romantic novella Redeeming Grace, as well as The Georgia Gold Series (Sautee ShadowsThe Gray DivideThe Crimson Bloom, and Bright as Gold, winner of the 2015 John Esten Cooke Award for outstanding Southern literature) and The Restoration Trilogy (White, Widow and Witch) with Canterbury House Publishing. A wife and swim mom of two daughters, Denise always pauses for old houses, coffee and chocolate, and to write any story the Lord lays on her heart.

More from Denise

The first novel I ever wrote was set during the Civil War, inspired by travels to historic sites of the Southeast with my parents and scribbled in my eleven-year-old hand in spiral-bound notebooks. Fresh out of college with my new degree in journalism with a minor in history on my shelf, I narrowly missed signing a contract for another Civil War series. Fast forward another decade or so. I was a young mom writing for magazines and directing a volunteer 1800s dance group when my Georgia Gold Series, literary-style historical fiction set between the Cherokee Removal and Reconstruction, found a home with Canterbury House Publishing. Since then, I’ve written everything from Hallmark-style contemporaries to Rev War romances (including my current Scouts of the Georgia Frontier Series with Wild Heart Books, where I also work as an editor). Everything but Civil War-era stories … until this one.

It feels a lot like coming home.

Some of that also has to do with the fact that I love writing stories that illustrate how God can bring healing and redemption out of the most difficult circumstances. I also endeavor to work as much real history as possible into the plots of my novels. And I love finding a little-known aspect of the past to center a story upon. When Hope Sank embodies all those things.

Reeling from the loss of over 600,000 men in the Civil War and the assassination of President Lincoln just the week prior, the nation hardly noticed when a steamer carrying a couple thousand U.S. prisoners of war exploded in the Mississippi River on April 27, 1865. Over eleven hundred perished in the icy waters that swelled several miles past the normal embankments at flood stage, making the sinking of the Sultana the most crippling maritime disaster in the nation’s history.

The former POWs on their way to muster out at Camp Chase, Ohio, were already emaciated and ill from imprisonment at infamous Andersonville and Cahaba prison camps. A number were badly burned when the boilers exploded, and many did not know how to swim. You can imagine the scene that ensued. While the steamboats docked at Memphis—which had been under Union occupation since the summer of 1862—got up steam, local citizens hurried to help, even those on the Arkansas shore who had fought for the Confederacy. The towns of Hopefield, Marion, and Mound City had suffered harsh reprisals for harboring Confederate guerillas. The area was well-known as a hotbed of spies and saboteurs intent on disrupting Union shipping on the Mississippi.

From this cauldron of chaos, discontent, and pain, an emotionally rich story was born. Focused on survival for herself and her little brother, Lily works at her uncle’s inn and keeps her Union sympathies to herself in her family of Southern sympathizers. The Yankee lieutenant she pulls from the river needs emotional healing even more than physical, though his wounds may compromise his ability to practice as a surgeon. The bond that forms between them from their shared faith and allegiances makes Lily question if she might have another option besides marrying her childhood sweetheart, a former partisan. And when coded message pass through River’s Rest, Lily struggles to find the courage to do what she didn’t the first time—speak out to save lives.

While the sinking of the Sultana may be the inciting event in When Hope Sank, it’s not the main focus. The reactions of the characters in the aftermath are. In our lives as followers of Christ, isn’t that where the real focus should lie? How we respond to tragedy? How we learn to reach for God instead of blaming Him? How, when we walk with Him, He brings beauty out of our ashes? It’s my prayer that the message of When Hope Sank settles deep in your heart.

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 28

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 28

Bizwings Book Blog, May 29

Life on Chickadee Lane, May 29

Alena Mentink, May 30

Lighthouse Academy Blog, May 30 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Betti Mace, May 31

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 31

Texas Book-aholic, June 1

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 1

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 2

Book Looks by Lisa, June 3

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 3

Life, Love, Writing, June 4

Blogging With Carol, June 4

The Lofty Pages, June 5

Tell Tale Book Reviews, June 5

For Him and My Family, June 6

Blossoms and Blessings, June 6

Stories By Gina, June 7 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, June 7

Cover Lover Book Review, June 8

Connie’s History Classroom, June 8

Holly’s Book Corner, June 9

An Author’s Take, June 9

Pause for Tales, June 10


To celebrate her tour, Denise is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon e-Gift card and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Posted in Book Reviews, Celebrate Lit Reviews

Chromatic ~ A Review & Giveaway

About the Book

Book: Chromatic

Author: Ashley Bustamante

Genre: YA Fantasy

Release Date: May 7, 2024

Light is Found in Every Hue

Magus is dying from the inside out, and only the destruction of the barrier can save it. Even color magic can’t defend against earthquakes, strange weather patterns, and erratic wildlife behavior.

After discovering hundreds of captive Yellow magic-users, Ava and Elm fight to set them free. However, new dangers and unexpected enemies await at every turn, forcing them to face their greatest challenges yet. The calamities inside the barrier slowly manifest in the outside world as well, pulling citizens from both sides of the battle into the fray. In this new war, they may not all make it out alive.

Elm and Ava must confront the growing darkness and create a future in a world that has been all but stripped of hope. Can Magus be restored, or is it already too late?

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Ashley Bustamante has created stories from the moment she could scribble and staple sheets of paper together. She simply cannot recall a time when writing was not a force in her life. When not running through lines of dialogue in her mind, she enjoys taking photographs and spending time with her husband, three children, and any furry, feathered, or scaly creature she can find. She currently works at Arizona State University.

More from Ashley

Sitting down to write the final installment of the Color Theory series was an emotional experience. I wanted to do well by my readers and do well by God. And of course, I wanted to stay true to the story I set out to write in the beginning.

One of the difficult things about writing this book is that I knew the characters were going to have to face higher stakes and deeper pain than ever before. Given the situation they are in, it had to be that way. But, in spite of what Ava, Elm, and crew will face in Chromatic, this is ultimately a story of hope and triumph.

As I’ve watched the struggles of the world right now and seen what so many readers are going through, I knew I wanted to tell a tale of perseverance. No matter how bleak our circumstances may be, we can still find the light.

I hope you enjoy Chromatic!

Blog Stops

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 23

Artistic Nobody, May 24 (Author Interview)

The Lofty Pages, May 24

Texas Book-aholic, May 25

Through the Fire Blogs, May 26 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 27

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, May 28

Blossoms and Blessings, May 29 (Author Interview)

Tell Tale Book Reviews, May 30

Blogging With Carol, May 31

Beauty in the Binding, June 1 (Author Interview)

Min Reads and Reviews, June 1

Labor Not in Vain, June 2

Guild Master, June 3 (Author Interview)

Simple Harvest Reads, June 4 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

Vicky Sluiter, June 5 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Ashley is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a hardcover copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Posted in Book Reviews, Celebrate Lit Reviews

Trust Fall ~ A Review & Giveaway

About the Book

Book: Trust Fall

Author: Chautona Havig

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release date: April 30, 2024

Protecting her without her knowledge might get them both killed.

Grief has held Eve “Kensi” Kensington captive long enough. Determined to move on after the death of her fiancé six years ago, Kensi moves to St. Alyn to help Ezra with the new boat book business. That there’s a great therapist on the island is just a bonus.

When the West Coast Agency learns that the former fiancée of a deceased informant is under the radar, Simon Garver is tasked to protect her—without her knowledge, if possible. Great. Listening in on her therapy sessions might be the worst thing he’s ever had to do as an agent.

Nope… scrap that. Falling for his client takes the cake.

When Kensi learns Simon has been keeping secrets from her, she’s done. Too bad the arrival of a guy sent to “take care of her” means she needs him. She’ll cooperate until she’s safe, toss the trust exercises her therapist has insisted on in the trash, and get back to her job on Ezra’s boat.

If only her heart would listen to the plan…

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.

Click here to get your copy!

Trust Fall by Chautona Havig is the twelfth book in the Suamalie Islands series. Eve “Kensi” Kensington feels that grief captive long enough. She desires to move on after the death of her fiancé six years ago, Kensi moves to St. Alyn to help Ezra with the new boat book business. Having a great therapist on the island is just a bonus. She finds herself in danger, and a man has been sent to protect her.

As part of the West Coast Agency, Simon Garver finds himself tasked with protecting her without her knowledge. I love how builds the characters and the storyline.

Anytime, I pick up a book by Chautona Havig, I quickly find myself engrossed in the book. Her storyline and characters draw me into the story.

So, if you enjoy books set on islands, check out Trust Fall by Chautona Havig,

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.

About the Author

Chautona Havig lives in an oxymoron, escapes into imaginary worlds that look startlingly similar to ours and writes the stories that emerge. An irrepressible optimist, Chautona sees everything through a kaleidoscope of It’s a Wonderful Life sprinkled with fairy tales. Find her on the web and say howdy—if you can remember how to spell her name.

More from Chautona

Sometimes life doesn’t go as you’d planned.  Like at all. You think you’re going to have a great wedding, an idyllic honeymoon, followed by the perfect, picket-fence existence with the love of your life.

Then some crazy author comes along and rips it all away. Fiancé? Dead. Honeymoon?  Not hardly.  And by the time she’s done, that fence feels like someone rammed those pickets into her heart.  All in a day’s work, and all before the first word of the story.

It’s a wonder that characters don’t revolt or something.

Look, here’s the deal. I just thought it would be cool to bring my Agency Files to Suamalie.  And for that, we needed a tough background, because The Agency doesn’t get involved in disputes over spa appointments or boat rental rescues (most of the time).

So, after many hours of plotting and planning, I finally figured out how to torture my Kensi—I mean, give her an interesting backstory—while not tormenting readers.  Too much.  It’s been a couple of years (okay, it’s been six!), she’s having trouble coping, and…. Then what?  How does The Agency fit in?

That started off as a conundrum that got really cool the more I thought about it.  I mean, here’s the thing. The Agency is a protective entity. They swoop in and protect people from imminent danger while law enforcement does their job to remove that threat.  Sometimes, as in Justified Means, this involves “involuntary” protection where they extract someone from his or her life until it’s safe to return—whether that person wants to be extracted or not.

I didn’t want that this time, but I also didn’t want Kensi to know she was in danger.  So, off she goes to visit her friend Ezra in the Suamalie Islands and there she meets Ezra’s therapist fiancé.  This much was easy to figure out.

And then it hit me.  What if the agent was secretly protecting her?  She doesn’t know it… but it’s happening.

Now I feel like Kronk from The Emperor’s New Groove.  “Oh, yeah. It’s all coming together.”

Sometimes, I feel like Trust Fall is more romcom suspense than straight-up romantic suspense, but that’s okay, right?

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 25

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 26

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 27

She Lives To Read, May 28

Texas Book-aholic, May 29

The Lit Lady, May 30

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, May 31

Simple Harvest Reads, June 1 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

For Him and My Family, June 2

Holly’s Book Corner, June 3

The Lofty Pages, June 4

Stories By Gina, June 5 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, June 5

Karen Baney Reviews, June 6

Sylvan Musings, June 7 (Author Interview)

Mornings at Character Cafe, June 7


To celebrate her tour, Chautona is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Posted in Book Reviews, Celebrate Lit Reviews

No Tomorrows ~ A Novel for Today ~ A Review & Giveaway

About the Book

Book: No Tomorrows-A Novel for Today

Author: Deb Gorman

Genre: Women’s Contemporary Fiction

Release Date: September 23, 2023

Tour Dates: May 18 – May 31

By the time Thursday is over, Annie Lee is convinced God is telling her it’s her last day on earth.

Annie and her husband live in a small rural town in central Washington state—a place where almost nothing scary happens . . . until today. Hang on to her coattails as she navigates her tragic past, her frightening present, and her unknown future all in the space of twenty-four hours.

And ask yourself the same question posed to Annie: “What would I do today if I knew I’d die tomorrow?” Will your answer be the same one Annie discovers?

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Deb Gorman, owner of Debo Publishing, was born and raised in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She still lives in her hometown of Yakima, Washington, with her husband, Alan, and their very smart German Shepherd, Hoka. Deb is a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, cleverly disguised as a wife, mom, grandmom, and author. Her purpose is to connect with God’s most beautiful and clever creation, the human family, using the literary talent and imagination God gave her. Her prayer is that as she journeys with you, together you will discover encouragement and redemption in your most important relationships.

More from Deb

No Tomorrows-A Novel for Today came about because of a question I heard.

“What would you do today if you knew without a doubt you would die tomorrow?”

It’s an old question that’s been kicked around for decades, but when I seriously put my shoes into its footprints, I found I could not answer it with anything other than cliches. Those cliches, like “Eat chocolate all day”, or “Do that last thing on your bucket list” didn’t sit well with me. I wanted a real answer, one I could hang my hat on—as one character in the book says. I suspected that my readers want a real answer for themselves, too.

Annie Lee, a typical suburban mother of four, is confronted with that question, and spends a harrowing twenty-four hours navigating the answer for herself. In the uncertainty of our times, this question is particularly important for us to consider. Perhaps we’ll agree with Annie Lee’s answer.

Along with a book and a $50.00 Amazon card, the lucky winner will receive a custom-made No Tomorrows pen, created by my author friend, Steve Hooley, at, from Big Leaf Maple wood grown and harvested in the Pacific Northwest.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 18

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, May 19 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 20

Artistic Nobody, May 21 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, May 21

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 22

Texas Book-aholic, May 23

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 24

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 25

Where Crisis & Christ Collide, May 26 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 27

Divine Perspective, May 28

For the Love of Literature, May 29 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, May 29

Pause for Tales, May 30

JESUS in the EVERYDAY, May 31


 To celebrate her tour, Deb is giving away the grand prize package of a copy of No Tomorrows, a $50 Amazon gift card, and a custom-made No Tomorrows pen!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Posted in Book Reviews, Celebrate Lit Reviews

The Crooked Daughter ~ A Review & Giveaway

About the Book

Book: The Crooked Daughter

Author: D.M. Griffin

Genre: Biblical Fiction

Release date: March 28, 2024

Choices her father made before she was even born reached a bony finger into her life, clouding her future with hopelessness. Her father’s cold heart had no room for her. He easily cast her aside when the Law permitted it. Defined as an outcast because of a physical infirmity, Priscilla was told death was her destiny. Despite the limited perspective brought about by years of adversity, Priscilla fought to keep hope alive and wait for the Lord’s timing.

Aquila lost his father at the most critical time in his life. Battling against grief and bitterness, Aquila uncovers a secret about his father’s death that undermines his faith in a religious system that once defined him. Driven from his homeland, Aquila becomes someone he no longer recognizes.

Two people whose perspectives are skewed by adversity become divinely intertwined in mysterious ways. As they wait upon the Lord for His timing, would Priscilla and Aquila ever find the truth that would lift their eyes to the hills so they could see the purpose of life, not only between a man and a woman but between God and His creation? A poignant story about how God uses adversity for good in the lives of those who truly love and trust Him.

Click here to get your copy!

The Crooked Daughter by D.M. Griffin is Biblical Fiction. I found it very interesting to read. I knew the names Aquila and Priscilla from reading my Bible. So, I found this fictionalized account of these Biblical characters to be worth reading.

Choices made by others affected the lives of both Priscilla and Aquila. She lived with an infirmity that made others say she should be dead. He deals with the tragic death of his father at a critical time in his life.

I loved how the author allowed the two to almost meet several times before their actual meeting. D.M. Griffin masterfully weaves together a story that kept me reading. This book reveals how God’s timing is perfect.

Faith plays a major role in this story. I loved how different individuals entered Priscilla’s life, and helped strengthen her faith. Seemingly chance encounters provided opportunities for the two to interact with people like Joseph (Jesus’s father), Jesus himself, along with others The author illustrates how being cast out by your own family allows the opportunity to build a new family and to draw closer to God.

So, if you enjoy Biblical Fiction, check out The Crooked Daughter by D.M. Griffin.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.

About the Author

D.M. Griffin is the author of several Biblical Fiction novels as well as devotionals, prayer journals, and Bible studies. She will be releasing a Christian Fantasy series in 2025. She currently resides in Northern California with her husband. They met in middle school a few days after she was transplanted to the West Coast at the tender age of twelve. She has three adult children who have been an endless source of delight and inspiration. She also has a precious new grandchild who brings her joy.

As a native New England girl, she fondly remembers spending her summers there as a child. Thick accents, small towns, and fascinating weather stirred the imagination of a young heart. She has always had a fondness for stories thanks to her imaginative mother who would make up wild, adventurous tales to tell when tucking her into bed as a child.

She truly believes that a book that sits on a shelf unread is like a planted seed that never blossoms. Nothing delights her more than sharing a story.

More from D.M.

My inspiration for writing The Crooked Daughter is multi-faceted. First of all, I was intrigued by the unnamed characters in the Bible who had a single extraordinary encounter with Jesus. The woman who was bent over for eighteen years was one of the four that I selected for The Encounter Series.

Though there were few verses dedicated to this woman, I felt the deeper pull of a story tucked inside the folds of those verses describing Jesus healing her on the Sabbath. I wondered what her story was. What led her there that day? Did she go searching for Him or did Jesus pick her out of the crowd?

Reading that the woman was in that condition for eighteen years is worthy of pondering. I think a lot of times when we read Scripture, we miss the impact of time’s passage. As someone who has suffered from back pain for many years, I could relate to the crooked woman’s story. Eighteen years is a long time to be bent over. The longest I had to remain in a bent position was three weeks. It is extremely difficult to move through the world when the only thing you can see is the ground. Pain is bad enough to endure. Pain for eighteen years must have been excruciating. I know when I am in pain my mood and attitude definitely need adjustment. I would have been a monster after eighteen years!

Developing Priscilla’s character challenged me as a writer. As someone who suffered an early rejection in life only to endure physical infirmity on her own, I didn’t want her to become embittered the way most would after enduring such a trial. There was a delicate balance between lamenting her fate and holding onto hope as it slipped away. Therefore, I introduced the playful, furry character – a dog named Patch.

Aquila’s character was complex and layered. While he was physically able-bodied, his heart was agonizing with grief, responsibility, and disillusioned faith. He was a man who could stand straight even while his soul was bent over.

I have always been intrigued by Aquila and Priscilla in the Bible. As an inspirational couple who served the Lord together, I enjoyed weaving the threads of their story into the fictional account about the crooked woman. I believe that love soothes the wounds of suffering. Falling in love straightens the crooked perspectives of circumstances. Who doesn’t enjoy a good love story that culminates in a strong, enviable marriage?

In The Crooked Daughter, the main character’s condition is symbolic of the political climate of those days. The religious leaders were the ones who were bent over, their perspective about God’s acceptance of people horribly skewed under the heaviness of pride. They could not lift their eyes to the heavens to recognize the Messiah in their midst. Their hearts were hunched under the weight of selfish ambition and prejudicial attitudes. Condemnation was the chain that kept them bound, unable to see the horizon of eternity.

Physical infirmities are horrible to endure. Even worse are the infirmities of the soul. So many things can truly bend us away from God – rejection, selfishness, anger, grief, regret. Thankfully, Jesus is more than a healer. He is our Savior. I truly enjoyed exploring these themes throughout The Crooked Daughter. I hope that readers come away from the story with hope as an anchor for hard times. God truly uses all things for good when we trust in His plan.

Blog Stops

Fiction Book Lover, May 13 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 14

Simple Harvest Reads, May 15 (Author Interview)

Artistic Nobody, May 16 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, May 16

Splashes of Joy, May 17 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, May 18

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, May 19 (Author Interview)

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, May 20

Guild Master, May 21 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 22

A Reader’s Brain, May 23 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, May 23

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 24

Stories By Gina, May 25 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 26


To celebrate her tour, D.M. Griffin is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card & copy of book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Posted in Book Reviews, Celebrate Lit Reviews

Raising Kids to Follow Christ – A Review and Giveaway

About the Book

Book: Raising Kids to Follow Christ: Instilling a Lifelong Trust in God

Author: Lee Ann Mancini

Genre: Nonfiction, Family and Relationships, Parenting

Release Date: February 20, 2024

Raising Kids to Follow Christ: Instilling a Lifelong Trust in God endeavors to remedy the statistically high rate at which children turn away from Christianity. Raising Kids to Follow Christ (February 2024 from Whitaker House) offers today’s families the resources they need to nurture children in faith. This expert guide offers developmentally appropriate and scripturally centered methods based upon top research and expert insights from the brightest minds in childhood spiritual development. Author and Raising Christian Kids CEO Lee Ann Mancini
emphasizes truth wrapped in love and joy in a parenting approach designed to prevent children from abandoning their faith.

Raising Kids to Follow Christ releases in February 2024 from Whitaker House.

George Barna, Raising Spiritual Champions, Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind and Soul, (Arizona Christian University Press 2023), 27-28, 39, 41, 118, 184.

Raising Kids to Follow Christ (releasing February, 2024 from Whitaker House) serves as a rich parenting resource focused on the salvation of our children and the preservation of Christianity.

  • Comprehensive, biblically-based, parenting guide
  • Sourced from today’s brightest Christian minds in children’s spirituality
  • Filled with strategies & techniques found throughout God’s word
  • Steeped in biblical directives, including Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and more
  • Explained through the lens of parenthood
  • 13 chapters equipping parents & caregivers with tools to raise the next generation of faith-filled leaders
  • Personal stories embedded with parenting principles and Scripture references
  • Shared real-life examples of parenting “dos” and “don’ts”
  • How to practice what you preach – modeling biblical truth
  • Steps to upgrade from discipline to discipleship
  • Easy-to-understand apologetics for children & adults
  • Fun ways to connect your child’s heart to Christ
Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Author Lee Ann Mancini is the award-winning author and executive producer of the Sea Kids series, which can be viewed on Answers.TV, Pure Flix, Right Now Media, and SeaKidsTV.  Lee Ann earned a master’s degree in theological studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Trinity International University), as well as two master’s degrees — one in Christian and Classic Studies and one in Biblical and Theological Studies — from Knox Theological Seminary. She serves as an adjunct professor at South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary and hosts the award-winning podcast, Raising Christian Kids.

More from Lee Ann

Recent statistics show our youth abandoning faith at an alarming rate. 90% of 13–14-year-olds believe there is no absolute moral truth, and 75% of parents agree.[1]  In the cultural war against Christ-centered values, vulnerable young souls are our greatest casualties. It’s time to raise up a faith-armored generation and equip them to change the world. With the right resources, we can equip our kids with enduring faith.

Raising Kids to Follow Christ: Instilling a Lifelong Trust in God endeavors to remedy the statistically high rate at which children turn away from Christianity. Raising Kids to Follow Christ (February 2024 from Whitaker House) offers today’s families the resources they need to nurture children in faith. This expert guide offers developmentally appropriate and scripturally centered methods based upon top research and expert insights from the brightest minds in childhood spiritual development. Author and Raising Christian Kids CEO Lee Ann Mancini emphasizes truth wrapped in love and joy in a parenting approach designed to prevent children from abandoning their faith. Her reason for writing this book is to help readers eagerly search the Bible, looking for fresh truth they can find in each word of scripture — “for the word of God is living and active” (Hebrews 4:12, niv) — to build a strong foundation of Christ in their children that will last a lifetime.

Valentine’s Day Bible craft for your family:

Memory Verse: John 13:34-35, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (ESV).


  • Markers/pens
  • Scissors
  • Sheets of paper (1-2 per person)
  • Small jars/clear containers (1 per person)


  • Gather items and have them ready to use.
  • An adult can draw seven hearts on each sheet of paper. Make one sheet per person.
  • Optional: If children are older, allow them to draw hearts on their sheets of paper.


  • Our memory verse, John 13:34-35, tells us that God wants us to love others in the same way He loves us. That’s how other people will know that we are His disciples.
  • God wants us to love everyone. A great way to start practicing loving others is to love the people you are closest to first.
  • I want you to think of seven people who you spend the most time with. We are going to start practicing showing God’s love to them this week.
  • Each of us will fill up a jar/container with hearts with those seven people’s names written on each heart.
  • We will pull out one heart each day this week and come up with ways to show that person God’s love all day.

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 9

She Lives to Read, May 10

Artistic Nobody, May 11 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, May 12

Guild Master, May 13 (Author Interview)

Simple Harvest Reads, May 13 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, May 14 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, May 15

Inspired by fiction, May 16

Blossoms and Blessings, May 17 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 18

A Reader’s Brain , May 19 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 20

Beauty in the Binding, May 21 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, May 21

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 22


To celebrate her tour, Lee Ann is giving away the grand prize package of a Scripture Bear, all seven Sea Kids Picture Books, and all the DVDs with the corresponding curriculum!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Posted in Book Reviews, Celebrate Lit Reviews

Mabel and the Little Green Men ~ A Review & Giveaway

About the Book

Book: Mabel and the Little Green Men

Author: Susan Kimmel Wright

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Release date: October 5, 2023

The last thing Mabel needed was a flying saucer, not to mention a rash of similar sightings all over town. Her life’s already been upended by getting fired and moving to Grandma’s old house in Medicine Spring. So far, the deceptively sleepy village has delivered several murders—and romance with a handsome private investigator. Are little green men next?

While Mabel tries to get to the bottom of the apparent space invasion, she also gets herself caught between competing candidates for township supervisor. Small-town politics call for more diplomacy than she has—not to mention the ability to duck, run, and hide.

And unfortunately, her UFO investigation only raises more questions. Long-buried secrets surface, all tied to one night in 1958 and another seeming alien attack. But something more troublesome than any Martian invasion is on its way. A film crew descends, bent on producing a documentary on the historic UFO crash. Hordes of tourists follow, all infected with flying saucer fever. When an all-too-human body turns up at the alleged alien gravesite in a local cemetery, Mabel realizes murder is bound to follow her, whether of this world or not.

Click here to get your copy!

Mabel and the Little Green Men is a cozy mystery by Susan Kimmel Wright. It is the third book in the Mysteries of Medicine Spring series. Our heroine, Mabel, sees a strange light while driving home one night. She quickly finds herself caught up in UFO fever, which brings tourists, news crews, and more to her town.

I found some parts of the book moved along at a good pace while others seem to drag. I enjoy Mabel as a character. While it is the third book in the series, I do feel it could stand on its own. But, I still recommend reading the books in order.

So, if you enjoy cozy mysteries, check out Mabel and the Little Green Men by Susan Kimmel Wright.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.

About the Author

Susan Kimmel Wright began her life of mystery as a child, with reading. That led to writing kids’ mysteries and eventually to Medicine Spring with Mabel. A longtime member of Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime, Susan’s also a prolific writer of personal experience stories, many for Chicken Soup for the Soul. She shares an 1875 farmhouse in southwestern PA with her husband, several dogs and cats, and an allegedly excessive stockpile of coffee and tea mugs.

More from Susan

It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s a…UFO?

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and seen something you couldn’t explain? What did you—or would you—do? Call a friend? The police department? Post a picture on social media? Or maybe you’d keep it quiet, trying to convince yourself it was a figment of your imagination.

In Mabel & the Little Green Men, I had so much fun giving Mabel a UFO encounter and then seeing where it led her, while more sightings and the arrival of a TV documentary crew turned the small town of Medicine Spring topsy-turvy. Wacky characters and situations kept surprising me too!

My best friend has had UFO encounters—twice. Once, while sitting at her desk studying, she looked out to see a strange light hovering beyond her window. Another time, she spotted a large object in the sky ahead of her while driving home alone from a movie. Alas, though I’ve scanned the skies for years, this has never happened to me!

My friend is far from the only sane person to report seeing a UFO. Every year, hundreds of sightings are reported in the US, including many from police, ministers, military pilots, and others not known for fabrication or flights of fantasy. The term UFO (unidentified flying object), as well as the now-preferred term UAP (unidentified aerial phenomenon), both simply refer to an airborne object that can’t be readily identified. Neither term has anything whatsoever to do with flying saucers or “little green men.”

Most UFOs are eventually explained—some as atmospheric events, deflated balloons, or experimental aircraft. But the mystery fascinates me—especially for the handful that have never been satisfactorily explained.

While I’ve never personally seen a UFO, many people in my area reported the 1965 crash of the Kecksburg “space acorn,” an event now celebrated with an annual festival benefiting the fire department. Do you have a UFO story in your town?

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 17

Stories By Gina, May 18 (Author Interview)

The Lofty Pages, May 18

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 19

Texas Book-aholic, May 20

Tell Tale Book Reviews, May 21 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 22

Blogging With Carol, May 23

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 24

Vicky Sluiter, May 25 (Author Interview)

Pause for Tales, May 25

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 26

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 27

Lily’s Corner, May 28

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, May 29 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, May 30


To celebrate her tour, Susan is giving away the grand prize package of $50 Amazon gift card and a signed copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Posted in Book Reviews, Celebrate Lit Reviews

Shoot at the Sunset ~ A Review & Giveaway

About the Book

Book: Shoot at the Sunset

Author: Kathleen Denly

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: April 9, 2024

Will love survive when truth takes aim at their secrets?

Sharpshooter Preston Baker has spent a lifetime confronting danger head-on. So when a heartfelt letter arrives from his big sister asking for help, he doesn’t hesitate to put his traveling show career on hold and journey to her remote desert ranch, determined to make amends for past failures. What he doesn’t expect is to discover his long-lost little sister and her best friend, Lucy, are both hard at work on the ranch.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Lucy Arlidge’s decision to travel to a remote desert ranch was born as much from desperation as friendship. Fleeing San Francisco may have saved Lucy’s life, but the decision left others in danger. To thwart the evil plans of those who pursue her and her family, Lucy must keep her new gem-mining operation concealed and her secrets safe.

Preston is drawn to the mysterious woman, despite her plans to marry the neighboring rancher. Lucy’s quiet strength and undeniable beauty beckon him like a campfire in the wilderness, offering light amidst the dark memories and deepest fears resurrected by the presence of his sisters. But as danger closes in, Preston and Lucy must confront their pasts to save not only their own futures, but the lives of everyone they love.

Click here to get your copy!

Shoot at the Sunset by Kathleen Denly is a Christian Historical Romance. It is the fifth book in the Chaparral Hearts series and centers around Preston and Lucy. I have loved seeing how the author develops the characters and storylines throughout this series.

While you could read this book on your own, I definitely recommend reading the books in order. Filled with faith, family, friendship, and more, this series will keep your interest. Lucy exhibits faith, courage, and determination to help the couple who helped her and her mother. After receiving a heartfelt letter from her, Preston comes to help his big sister. With women who need someplace to live and work, cattle, dangerous men, and more, this book has a lot to offer.

I felt like the story moved excellently, keeping my interest. I loved seeing how Lucy’s mom discovered faith in God throughout the pages of this story. Truly, this book provides a moving story about Lucy, Preston, their family, and friends, and also includes some people with evil tendencies.

So, if you enjoy Christian Historical Romances, check out Shoot at the Sunset by Kathleen Denly.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.

About the Author

Kathleen Denly lives in sunny California with her loving husband, four young children, two dogs, and ten cats. As a member of the adoption and foster community, children in need are a cause dear to her heart and she finds they make frequent appearances in her stories. When she isn’t writing, researching, or caring for children, Kathleen spends her time reading, visiting historical sites, hiking, and crafting.

More from Kathleen

One of the primary themes of Shoot at the Sunset is secrets and the fears that sometimes drive us to keep them. Did I mention there’s even a secret signal used in the book? So today I thought it would be fun to play with a secret code. Using the key provided below, see if you can reveal the hidden message.

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 11

For Him and My Family, May 11

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 12

Texas Book-aholic, May 13

The Lofty Pages, May 13

Lakesidelivingsite, May 14

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 15

Blossoms and Blessings, May 15

Alena Mentink, May 16

Devoted To Hope, May 17

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, May 17

Karen Baney Reviews, May 18

Melissa’s Bookshelf, May 18

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 19

Connie’s History Classroom, May 19

Bizwings Book Blog, May 20

Book Looks by Lisa, May 21

Holly’s Book Corner, May 21

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 22

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, May 23 (Author Interview)

Books You Can Feel Good About, May 23

Pause for Tales, May 24

Cover Lover Book Review, May 24


To celebrate her tour, Kathleen is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.